If you're having trouble with a purchase you made on our platform, the best course of action is to directly contact the seller of the product, as a marketplace we do not provide direct support for products.
Here's how you can get in touch:
Check Your Receipt: Upon purchasing a product, you should have received a receipt in your email. This receipt usually contains the seller's support email address. Simply compose an email explaining your issue and send it to the address provided.
Visit the Download Page: The download page for your purchased product is another place where you can find the seller's contact information. Above the download files you can find the instructions and details about the seller and their support email address.
Check Inside the Downloaded Files: Sometimes, the seller may include a "Readme" file or support notes within the downloaded files. Open these files and look for any contact information or instructions on how to get support.
We understand that you may be eager to get your issue resolved. However, please keep in mind that sellers may be busy or dealing with multiple support requests. Allow them ample time to get back to you.
If you've made multiple attempts to contact the seller and have not received a response within a reasonable time, feel free to reach out to our staff. By submitting a request here.